According to statistics available through CHIP, there are 197,150 people enrolled in CHIP in Pennsylvania. CHIP in Pennsylvania is available to all uninsured children and teens up to 19 years of age, who do not qualify for Medical Assistance. Due to CHIP’s eligibility requirements – which has no income limit for eligibility – it is often a viable option for people from a diverse range of economic backgrounds. Many times the cost of medical insurance through employment for a child support “obligor” is cost-prohibitive to the payor, while the payee receives less support due to the credit given by the Pennsylvania Support Guidelines to the paying parent. By minimizing both parties’ exposure to medical costs, so long as they are eligible for the benefit, CHIP has the effect of extending medical coverage over children, while possibly eliminating unreimbursed medical expenses to the parties.
CHIP, however, has recently made the news due to its consideration within the new Federal health care legislation. CHIP exists as both a state and federal program, with Pennsylvania enacting CHIP in 1992, and a Federal version being signed into law by President Bill Clinton in 1997. Both the U.S. House of Representatives and the Senate have two different ideas as to how to deal with CHIP within the Federal health care systems.
First, the Senate version of the health care legislation proposes extending federal financing through 2015 (it is currently set to expire in 2013). This amendment, advocated by Senators Bob Casey (D-PA) – whose father, Governor Robert P. Casey, originally signed Pennsylvania’s CHIP legislation into law – and John D. Rockefeller, IV (D-WV) would effectively keep the current version of CHIP in place, allowing for some changes in income eligibility.
The House, on the other hand, advocates eliminating CHIP altogether and funneling participants into Medicaid, the federal-state insurance program for the poor, or to one of the health insurance exchanges whereby medical insurance would be purchased at a reduced cost with government subsidies offsetting the cost.
An excellent summary of the two bills was written by David M. Herszenhorn for a New York Times health policy blog: (
Currently, CHIP eligibility and cost is determined by income and the number of children. There is no income limit to qualify for CHIP, though income will effect amount of subsidy a child is eligible to receive, while under the proposed legislation, eligibility for the Medicaid option in the Senate plan would include up to 133% of the federal poverty line, while the House bill would be up to 150% of the poverty level.
The outcome of the Federal health care legislation will determine the future of CHIP in Pennsylvania and will be closely monitored in the coming weeks.